How to Gain Strategic Planning / People Analytics Skills
Caribbean companies have fallen into a rut with regards to their investment in people. In times past, employees were given tens of hours of training per year. Talent development was taken seriously, and so were efforts to create an effective corporate culture.
But those days are now in the past. Today, companies have come to believe that investments in people are a last resort. Instead, other projects come before those the HR functions proposes.
As an HR Professional, you want to change this state of affairs. But you face a number of obstacles.
In the C-Suite, your colleagues don't understand people or human resources. They often look down on HR, and won't support projects to strengthen the function with software like an HRIS and the training required to use the tool effectively.
To turn the tide, you need to be strategic when it counts - in the middle of a strategic planning retreat when the major decisions are made.
In this stand-alone video, I'll share my observations from over 50 such retreats. HR has been present at all of them, but rarely do they include a serious investment in the function, or in people.
Spend some time (1h23m) with me on this deep dive, and I promise you'll leave with a challenging new way to think about your role in these game-changing meetings.
a single full-length video and a bonus.